Roman 3.5" St. Mark Patron of Attorneys, Captives and NotariesMaterials: Resin and Stone MixDimensions 3.5" H x 2" W X 2.25" DSt. MarkPATRON OF Attorneys, Captives, and NotariesEvangelist Prayer card included. Life story on back.The prayer toSt. MarkO glorious St. Mark,through the grace ofGod our Father, youbecame a greatEvangelist, preachingthe Good News ofChrist.May your help us toknow him well sothat we may faithfullylive our lives asfollowers of ChristAmen.Exclusively by Roman, Inc.Verse on back story of St. MarkSt. MarkPATRON OF Attorneys, Captives and Notaries (First Century)Author of the second Gospel, Mark was adisciple of Peter. He is said to have traveledwith Peter and Barnabas, who is Mark'scousin, on missionary work on the island of Cyprus.He is also said to have been with Peter and Paul inRome; and is credited with establishing the churchin Alexandria.Believed to have been written in Rome sometimebefore the year 60 AD, the gospel of Mark waswritten in Greek for the gentile converts toChristianity. It is widely held at the Romansrequested that Mark document the teachings of Peter.This is supported by the fact that the second Gospelis a record of the life of Jesus from the perspectiveof Peter.Representations of Mark often include lions orwinged lions and scrolls or books representing hisGospel. He is the patron saint of attorneys, captives,notaries, Lions, Egypt, Venice, Florida, and Venice, Italy.Feast Day: April 25th
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