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Apricorn SATA Wire Notebook Hard Drive Upgrade Kit with USB 3.0 Connection ASW-USB3-25 (Grey)
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Apricorn SATA Wire Notebook Hard Drive Upgrade Kit with USB 3.0 Connection ASW-USB3-25 (Grey)

Product ID: 1406478
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Product Description Apricorn’s SATA Wire 3.0 is the easiest way to upgrade your notebook drive. Packaged with our user-friendly Cloning Software and using an ultra-fast USB 3.0 connection for up to 10x faster data transfer rates than USB 2.0, you can clone your notebook drive in a snap. If your notebook is running out of space or you are looking to upgrade to a faster high performance hard drive or solid state drive, Apricorn’s SATA Wire is the perfect tool. Providing a USB 3.0 connection to ANY 2.5 inch notebook hard drive or solid state drive and bundled with Apricorn’s Upgrade Suite Software, the SATA Wire enables you to upgrade your notebook’s drive in three simple steps. Connect the SATA Wire to your drive and to the USB 1. port on your computer Run the included EZ Gig IV or ShirtPocket cloning 2. software to copy all of your data, email, settings and OS from your notebook to the new drive Swap out your old notebook drive with your new 3. one, and you’re done. EZ Gig IV Cloning software is a powerful, yet easy to use tool that gives you the option of creating an exact clone of your hard drive - perfect for hard drive upgrades or for creating bootable backups of your system. Or for those who wish to clone to a smaller capacity drive, such as fast solid state drive, EZ Gig’s Data Select option enables you exclude selected media files from the copying process to save space. Now you can run your OS and applications from a fast, smaller SSD boot drive, while keeping your documents and media files on your original hard drive. The SATA Wire is also perfect for transferring data to bare drives or for creating backups of your system. Now there’s no excuse when it comes to backing up or upgrading your system, just use Apricorn’s SATA Wire. From the Manufacturer Apricorn’s SATA Wire 3.0 is the easiest way to upgrade your notebook drive. Packaged with our user-friendly Cloning Software and using an ultra-fast USB 3.0 connection for up to 10x faster data transfer rates than USB 2.0, you can clone your notebook drive in a snap. If your notebook is running out of space or you are looking to upgrade to a faster high performance hard drive or solid state drive, Apricorn’s SATA Wire is the perfect tool. Providing a USB 3.0 connection to ANY 2.5 inch notebook hard drive or solid state drive and bundled with Apricorn’s Upgrade Suite Software, the SATA Wire enables you to upgrade your notebook’s drive in three simple steps. Connect the SATA Wire to your drive and to the USB 1. port on your computer Run the included EZ Gig IV or Shirt Pocket cloning 2. software to copy all of your data, email, settings and OS from your notebook to the new drive Swap out your old notebook drive with your new 3. one, and you’re done. EZ Gig IV Cloning software is a powerful, yet easy to use tool that gives you the option of creating an exact clone of your hard drive - perfect for hard drive upgrades or for creating bootable backups of your system. Or for those who wish to clone to a smaller capacity drive, such as fast solid state drive, EZ Gig’s Data Select option enables you exclude selected media files from the copying process to save space. Now you can run your OS and applications from a fast, smaller SSD boot drive, while keeping your documents and media files on your original hard drive. The SATA Wire is also perfect for transferring data to bare drives or for creating backups of your system. Now there’s no excuse when it comes to backing up or upgrading your system, just use Apricorn’s SATA Wire.

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Sneha T.

Received my product in pristine condition. Great service overall.

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Zainab N.

Fantastic and great service. Shipping was faster than expected.

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Anjali K.

The product quality is outstanding. Exactly what I needed for my work.

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Ayesha M.

The product exactly matches the description. Very satisfied with my purchase.

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